2015 & 2016 GRANTS PROGRAM
Explore the grants awarded in 2015 & 2016 by program
Note: Following is a summary of grants made under the environmental programs in 2015 & 2016. Those programs include Marine/Fisheries Conservation, South Florida Environment, Alabama Environment, Population & Environment, and District of Columbia Environment. Some grants are made for projects that cover both Alabama and Florida projects. Please know that except where noted, all grants carry a 1:1 match requirement. The second year of a two-year grant is subject to approval of progress on goals and objectives by the Board prior to the release of second-year funds.Featured Grant Success Story
Creating the U.S. Department of Education's Green Ribbon Schools Award Program
Grants Archive
Following is an archive of grants made under the environmental programs of The Curtis & Edith Munson Foundation.

Marine/Fisheries Conservation

Antarctic & Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC)
2015: $15,000 2016: $15,000
Grant to restore and protect the high seas biodiversity of the Antarctic and Southern Oceans
Blue Climate Solutions
2016: $15,000
Grant to support BCS’ work to promote blue carbon solutions
Blue Frontier Campaign
2015: $20,000 2016: $20,000
Support for the Blue Vision Summit and the Benchley Awards
Blue Sky Funders Forum
2016: $10,000
Grant for the work of the Blue Sky Funders Forum on environmental education
Campaign for Environmental Literacy
2015: $12,500 2016: $7,500
Grant in support of the Campaign’s work to ensure federal funding for marine literacy and other environmental education programs (Fiscal Sponsor: Second Nature)
Colorado Ocean Coalition
2015: $5,000 2016: $5,000
2015 grant in support of the Ocean Ambassadors program (Fiscal Sponsor: The Ocean Foundation) and 2016 grant for COCO’s volunteer training programs.
Consortium on Ocean Leadership
2015: $7,500
Second of a two-year grant to support the National Ocean Sciences Bowl
Consultative Group on Biodiversity (CGBD)
2015: $7,500 2016: $5,000
Two-year grant to support the marine conservation program
Cuba Marine Research and Conservation
2015: $25,000 2016: $15,000
Grant in support of CMRC’s programs and work on the Tres Golfos project
2015: $15,000
Second year of funding to support fisheries work
Environment America Research and Policy Center
2015: $10,000
First of two years for Clean Water Network
Environmental Grantmakers Association
2015: $10,000
Grant in support of the Blue Sky Funders Forum
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
2015: $7,500
One-time grant for research on aquaculture
Gulf Restoration Network
2015: $12,500 2016: $4,000
Two-year grant for education around energy extraction.
High Seas Alliance
2015: $12,500
Grant in support of the HSA's programs (Fiscal Agent: The Ocean Foundation)
Island Institute
2015: $15,000 2016: $15,000
Two-year grant for working waterfront partnerships
Island Press
2015: $20,000 2016: $10,000
Grant to support the marine publishing program
2015: $15,000
Second year of a three-year grant supporting DCMC program
2016: $15,000
Grant supporting the Global Marine Community (formerly DCMC)
Marine Fish Conservation Network
2015: $40,000 2016: $40,000
First and second of a three-year grant to support work in promoting sustainable fisheries policy
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
2015: $12,500 2016: $12,500
Two-year grant on behalf of NCEL’s ocean acidification work
National Aquarium in Baltimore
2015: $15,000
Second year of a two-year grant to promote volunteerism and conservation action in the Chesapeake watershed
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
2015: $15,000 2016: $15,000Two-year grant in support of Capitol Hill Oceans Week
2016: $12.000
First of two year matching grant for the NatureServe Youth Council Project
New England Aquarium (MCAF)
2015: $10,000 2016: $15,000
Two-year grant to support the Marine Conservation Action Fund
Ocean Conservancy
2015: $15,000
Grant to support OC’s work in improving fisheries management in the South Atlantic Regional area
Oil Spill Commission Action
2015: $15,000
Third and final year of a three-year grant to support the activities to implement the recommendations of the commission that was created in the wake of the 2010 BP disaster (Fiscal Agent: Resources for the Future)
Restore America's Estuaries
2015: $30,000 2016: $30,000
Grant to support the work on including seagrass (with mangroves and coral reefs) in Blue Carbon certification and for the annual TCS conference
Sargasso Sea Commission
2015: $10,000 2016: $10,000
First and second year of a three-year seed funding grant in support of the new commission’s work to build support for international protections for the Sargasso Sea
School for Field Studies
2015: $7,500 2016: $7,500
Two-year grant in support of the research programs at the Turks & Caicos campus
2015: $25,000
Grant in support of education and outreach programs of the coastal and marine publications
Shark Advocates International
2016: $15,000
First of a two-year grant in support of SAI’s work towards sustainable management of elasmobranchs, especially cownose and other rays
Sylvia Earle Alliance: Mission Blue
2015: $20,000 2016: $20,000
Two-year grant to support Mission Blue
The Ocean Project
2015: $25,000 2016: $15,000
Grant in support of World Oceans Day and supporting ZAMs in ocean conservation (Fiscal Agent: The Ocean Foundation)
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
2015: $10,000
Grant in support of TRCP’s marine fisheries work
Trust for Conservation Innovation
2015: $15,000
Grant to Gulf Wild for the launch of a comprehensive fishermen-led strategic outreach program
Wild Oceans
2015: $30,000 2016: $20,000
Second year of a two-year grant in support of fisheries restoration (formerly National Coalition for Marine Conservation)
World Wildlife Fund
2015: $20,000 2016: $20,000
Grants to support work in the Arctic
Yale Environment 360
2015: $1,000 2016: $10,000
Grant in support of the Yale Environment 360 publication
Youth Council DC
2016: $20,000
First of a three-year grant for seed funding for the Youth Council’s work
South Florida Environment

1000 Friends of Florida
2015: $45,000 2016: $35,000
Grant to support smart growth planning and restoration in Palm Beach and Martin counties. Special grant of $15,000 in 2015 for education and outreach regarding conservation lands and water
2015: $13,000
Grant to add Florida and Caribbean components to its southeast regional study
Environment America Research and Policy Center
2016: $10,000
Second of two years for the Florida Clean Water Network
Ecological Society of America
2015: $11,000 2016: $11,000
Two-year grant draw attention to the ecological challenges in south Florida through the SEEDS program
Florida Atlantic University
2015: $10,000 2016: $10,000
First year of a two-year grant for "Game Fish and Ecological Restoration in South Florida: Outdoor Secondary Education and Teacher Training" project (2015) and Second year of a two-year grant for the Pine Job Environmental Center project (2016)
Florida Clean Water Network
2015: $15,000
Grant in support of the Florida Clean Water Network (Fiscal Agent: Gulf Restoration Network)
Florida Coastal & Ocean Coalition
2015: $10,000
Second of a three-year grant to the Florida Coastal and Oceans Coalition to promote sound coastal and ocean management practices (Fiscal Agent: Sea Turtle Conservancy)
Florida Oceanographic Society
2015: $7,500 2016: $7,500
First and second year of a three-part grant for education and outreach programs
Florida Philanthropic Network
2015: $1,150 2016: $1,150
Funding to support collaborations and continuing professional training of south Florida grantmakers
Florida Wildlife Federation
2015: $15,000
One-time special needs grant for education regarding the amendment to safeguard conservation land and water
2015: $15,000 2016: $15,000
Two-year grant for Florida and Caribbean flights
Martin County Schools' Environmental Studies Center
2015: $12,000
Third year of a three-year grant in support of Camp Wet scholarships
Miami Waterkeeper
2016: $15,000
Grant for work to prevent pollution and engage the communities of the Biscayne Bay watershed
Mote Marine Laboratory
2015: $12,500 2016: $12,500
Two-year grant to study disease in corals
National Parks Conservation Association
2015: $20,000 2016: $50,000
Third year of a three-year grant to support work in Biscayne National Park and related projects (2015) and grant for coastal units in southern Florida and Mobile Tensaw Delta (2016)
Ocean Research & Conservation Association
2016: $6,000
Grant for Muck Tarp Research programs
Ocean River Institute
2016: $10,000
Grants for ORI’s work to promote sustainable lawn care practices and related enforcement on Florida’s treasure coast
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)
2015: $15,000 2016: $15,000
Grants for clean water issues in Florida
2016: $25,000
Grant to promote reef conservation and science innovation
River Network
2016: $12,000
Grant funding scholarships for River Rally 2016 participants throughout the Gulf Coast
Student Conservation Association-FL
2015: $15,000
Grant for SCA’s volunteer programs in Florida
Surfrider Foundation
2015: $25,000 2016: $25,000
Grant in support of the Florida regional coordinator’s work and the International Surfrider meeting
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
2016: $25,000
Grant in support of TRCP’s fisheries work in Florida
University of Florida Foundation
2015: $10,000
Grant in support of the Florida Sea Grant program
Alabama Environment
Alabama Clean Water Partnership
2015: $10,000
Grant for ACWP’s work to focus on long-term water quality improvement and conservation in a non-regulatory way
Alabama Forest Resources Center
2015: $20,000 2016: $20,000
Grant in support of the forest conservation program in Alabama and to maintain their website
Alabama Giving
2015: $1,000 2016: $1,000
Grants in support of philanthropy promotion in Alabama
Alabama Rivers Alliance
2015: $20,000 2016: $28,000
Multi-year grant in support of ARA’s programs and a one-time grant for staff education
Alabama Wildlife Federation
2015: $30,000 2016: $20,000
Third year of a three year grant in support of AWF’s outdoor education programs ($20,000) and a one time in support of an educational kiosk ($10,000) (2015) and first of a three-year grant in support of education programs (2016)
Birmingham Southern College, Southern Environmental Center
2016: $20,000
Funding in support of educational and general outreach programs in the Birmingham area
Black Warrior Riverkeeper
2015: $10,000 2016: $10,000
Third year of a three-year grant in support of the keeper
Cahaba River Society
2015: $20,000 2016: $20,000
Grant to enhance and protect the Cahaba River watershed
Conservation Alabama Foundation
2015: $10,000 2016: $10,000
Grant to support work on the protection of important Alabama species
Lakeshore Foundation
2015: $15,000
Grant for the partnership on the Alabama Trails Commission
Mobile Baykeeper
2015: $35,000 2016: $39,000
Second of a two-year grant in support of sustainable management of natural resources in the Mobile Bay region (2015) and for 2016 there are two grants: one to support the coordination of the River Rally Conference and Alabama Waterkeeper Retreat ($9,000), and one in support of sustainable management of natural resources in the Mobile Bay region ($30,000)
The Nature Conservancy, Alabama
2015: $20,000
Grant in support of coastal work and partnership for restoration
Smart Coast, Inc.
2015: $10,000
Final year of a grant to support smart growth in Alabama (Fiscal Agent: Baldwin County Trailblazers)
Southern Environmental Center
2015: $25,000
Funding in support of outdoor educational programs in the Birmingham area (Fiscal Agent: Birmingham Southern College)
Southern Environmental Law Center
2015: $35,000 2016: $30,000
Grant to support SELC’s work in Alabama
2015: $12,500 2016: $10,000
Grant to support conservation through aviation, flight work in Alabama
TenSaw Delta Biodiversity Project
2015: $35,000 2016: $111,111
Second year of a three year grant in support of exploring protection mechanisms for the natural and cultural heritage of the TenSaw Delta (2015) and Grant to establish appropriate protection plans for the Mobile TenSaw delta (2016) (Fiscal Agent: The Ocean Foundation)

The Nature Conservancy, Alabama
2015: $20,000
Grant in support of coastal work and partnership for restoration
University of Alabama (College of Communication and Information Sciences)
2015: $18,000 2016: $18,000
Second and third of a three-year grant to support the scholarship and internship program
Weeks Bay Foundation
2016: $10,000
Grant for the foundation’s yearly Coastal Birdfest
Wild South
2016: $10,000
Grant in support of Alabama volunteer training program
District of Columbia Environment

Alice Ferguson Foundation
2015: $5,000
Second of a two-year grant for trash and litter clean ups and education
Anacostia Riverkeeper
2016: $5,000
Grant in support of the Riverkeeper’s work to combat pollutionand educate the communities along the Anacostia River
Anacostia Watershed Society
2015: $5,000 2016: $5,000
Two-year grant in support of education and outreach programs
Blue Water Baltimore
2016: $10,000
Grant in support of the Baltimore Harbor WATERKEEPER program
Center for Agricultural Partnerships
2015: $5,000
Second of a two-year grant for the CAPstone project
Center for Watershed Protection
2016: $5,000
Grant to support outreach and education efforts conducted by CWP
Chesapeake Bay Funders Network
2016: $1,500
Grant to support the Funders Network
Chesapeake Commons
2015: $10,000 2016: $12,500
A grant to support mapping and related data aggregation projects on behalf of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network (Fiscal Agent: National Wildlife Federation) (2015) and grant to work to expand their tools in support of water quality monitoring & solutions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (2016)
Chesapeake Media Services
2016: $7,500
Grant for new publication for local government agencies and local officials regarding their role in the Chesapeake restoration effort
Children’s Science Center of NoVa
2015: $10,000
Grant to support the Museum Without Walls
Earth Conservation Corps
2015: $7,500 2016: $7,500
First and second years of a three-year grant in support of programs
Endangered Species Coalition
2015: $5,000
Second year of a two-year, one-time matching grant for the Rock Creek Songbirds project
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital
2015: $12,500 2016: $12,500
Two-year grant in support of the 2015 and 2016 film festivals
FotoWeek DC
2016: $10,000
One time grant supporting the education and outreach done during FotoWeek DC
Land Trust Alliance
2015: $7,500 2016: $10,000
Grant to support the land trust assessment, a project in collaboration with the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network (2015) and grant on behalf of the Chesapeake Bay Land Trust and Water Quality Initiative (2016)
Potomac Conservancy
2015: $15,000 2016: $18,000
First and second year of a two-year grant in support of clean water projects; and to support the summer gala ($15,000) (2015/2016) and one time grant in support of outreach and education ($3,000) (2016)
Potomac Riverkeeper
2015: $15,000 2016: $15,000
Two-year grant in support of the keeper’s activities
Rock Creek Conservancy
2015: $15,000
Final year of a three-year grant for general support of the Conservancy’s programs
Stormwater Work Group
2015: $7,500
Second year of a two year grant to support the activities of the stormwater work group (Fiscal Agent: The Funders Network)
Student Conservation Association-DC
2015: $10,000
Grant for SCA's work in the DC region
The Funders Network
2016: $7,000
Grant to support the Stormwater Work Group of The Funder’s Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities
TrashFree Maryland
2015: $5,000 2016: $10,000
First of a three-year grant for TrashFree Maryland’s operations (2015) and final payment of a grant to support with restoring and cleaning up waste in Maryland (2016)
Washington Grantmakers
2016: $4,500
Membership dues and grant in support of the Leadership Fund Investment
Waterkeepers Chesapeake
2016: $10,000
Grant for the implementation of Chesapeake-wide coordination efforts
Population and the Environment

Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
2015: $35,000 2016: $30,000
Grant in support of programs
Network for Good
2016: $500
Grant for Inside Climate News
Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington
2016: $5,000
Grant in support of education and testing services
Planned Parenthood-Southeast
2016: $5,000
Grant in support of education and testing services
Special Grants
Arizona State University Foundation
2015: $5,000
Grant to the Scholarship Fund in honor of the 2014 Edith Cummings Munson Award winner
Baylor University
2016: $5,000
Grant in support of the Edith Cummings Munson Award
US International University Sports Federation
2016: $5,000
Second year of three-year grant for USA Women’s Collegiate Golf team
Washington Grantmakers
2015: $7,175
Membership dues and grant in support of the Leadership Fund Investment
University of Iowa Foundation
2015: $5,000
First of a three-year grant to support the USA Women’s Collegiate Team in the World University Golf Championship
Women Golf Coaches Association
2015: $5,000 2016: $5,000
Grant to support the Edith Cummings Munson Award