2011 & 2012 GRANTS PROGRAM
Explore the grants awarded in 2011 & 2012 by program.
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Grants Archive
Following is an archive of grants made under the environmental programs of The Curtis & Edith Munson Foundation.

Marine/Fisheries Conservation Program

American Fisheries Society
2012: $5,000
One-time grant in support of the e-poster project.
Antarctic Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC)
2011: $20,0002012: $20,000
Funding for effort to build a network of Southern Ocean MPAs and protect marine resources in the Ross Sea and related Antarctic waters.
Birch Aquarium (UCSD)
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Funding for seahorse conservation program, especially in addressing illicit trade in seahorses.
Blue Frontier Campaign
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Funding in support of the Blue Vision Summit.
Blue Legacy International
2011: $35,000
Support for Blue Legacy’s efforts to promote protection of water quality and healthy waters all over the planet. (Fiscal sponsor: The Ocean Foundation)
BLUE Ocean Film Festival
2011: $7,5002012: $10,000
Multi-year grant in support of work to develop educational materials. (Fiscal Sponsor: Make A Difference Media Foundation)
Blue Ocean Institute
2011: $10,000
Second year of a two-year grant to support BOI’s programs.
Campaign for Environmental Literacy
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant in support of promoting the federal ocean literacy program. (Fiscal Sponsor: Second Nature)
Coastal Quest
2012: $5,000
One-time grant for publishing of the Executive Summary of the Ocean Funding Initiative.
Collaborative Institute for Oceans Climate and Security, University of Mass-Boston
2011: $15,0002012: $10,000
Multi-year grant for the first CIOCS Conference on Oceans and Security issues held in May 2012.
Consultative Group on Biodiversity (CGBD)
2011: $12,5002012: $22,500
Multi-year grant supporting the coordination of the activities of the Marine Funders Working Group, 25th Anniversary, and other programs.
Coral Reef Alliance
2011: $15,000
Funding in support of CORAL’s outreach and education programs for coral reef conservation.
2011: $3,500
Funding in support of sustainable tourism report and conference.
E The Environmental Magazine
2011: $20,0002012: $25,000
Funding in support of E Magazine’s marine issues coverage.
2012: $11,000
One-time grant supporting improved management of menhaden. ($1,000 memorial grant)
Environmental Defence
2012: $10,000
Grant in support of education and awareness of environmental toxins, (originally granted in 2011).
Environmental Law Institute
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant to improve aquaculture standards.
Fair Trade USA
2011: $10,000
Funding in support of work to identify sustainable sources and markets for aquaculture products.
Global Biodiversity Fund, University of Virginia
2011: $10,0002012: $15,000
Support for the research and analysis of case studies for a new book on coastal and nearshore management.
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
2011: $10,000
Funding in support of the educational programs.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-US)
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant in support of the D.C. Marine Community (D.C.MC), networking project.
Island Institute
2011: $12,0002012: $12,000
Multi-year grant in support of the Working Waterfronts outreach program to communities in the Chesapeake and the Gulf.
Island Press
2011: $25,0002012: $25,000
Funding in support of the programs to produce marine publications and accompanying outreach efforts. (Fiscal Sponsor: Center for Resource Economics)
2011: $10,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant to support marine conservation efforts.
Mangrove Action Project
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Multi-year grant to support the “Question your Shrimp” campaign.
Marine Fish Conservation Network
2011: $65,000
Second year of a two-year grant in support of programs to improve fisheries management and to defend federal fishery stock rebuilding efforts.
National Aquarium in Baltimore
2011: $15,0002012: $7,500
Funding in support of the field programs to support watershed and environmental education.
National Aquarium in D.C.
2011: $10,0002012: $7,500
Continued funding to support educational graphics and related materials.
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
2011: $12,000
Support for the effort to educate and engage state legislators in critical marine conservation issues.
National Coalition for Marine Conservation
2011: $30,0002012: $30,000
Multi-year grant to continue the work on big fish; menhaden issues; and related marine conservation work.
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
2011: $17,250
Support for Capitol Hill Oceans Week.
New England Aquarium
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant in support of the Marine Conservation Action Fund program.
North Atlantic Marine Alliance
2012: $10,000
One-time grant in support of sustainable fishing practices.
Ocean Alliance
2012: $10,000
Grant in support of Caribbean Marine Research project.
Ocean River Institute
2012: $10,000
Grant in support of a healthy Indian River Lagoon.
Public Trust Project
2012: $10,000
Grant in support of work on menhaden. (Fiscal Sponsor: Public Concern Foundation)
Restore America's Estuaries
2011: $7,500
Support for national conference and National Estuaries Day.
Sailors for the Sea
2012: $12,500
First year of a two-year grant for education and outreach programs.
Sea Turtle Conservancy
2011: $8,500
Grant to support efforts to ensure harmful fishery practices are not certified as sustainable.
2011: $30,0002012: $30,000
Multi-year grant in support of continuing activities to educate the public, key audiences, and the media about issues of concern in ocean conservation.
Shark Advocates International
2011: $10,000
Funding in support of the work to promote the global conservation of sharks. (Fiscal Sponsor: The Ocean Foundation)
Shark Savers
2011: $5,000
Funding in support of the Shark Savers conservation programs.
Smithsonian Institution Folklife Festival
2011: $6,0002012: $15,000
Support for outreach on Indian Ocean marine resource conservation as part of the Folklife Festival.
The Nature Conservancy – Caribbean Program
2011: $10,000
Funding in support of Cuba marine project.
The Ocean Doctor
2012: $15,000
Funding to support the Ocean Doctor’s outreach and education programs. (Fiscal Sponsor: The Ocean Foundation)
The Ocean Foundation
2011: $21,3502012: $17,000
Support for the coral workshops, communications and outreach, and marine funders survey.
The Ocean Leadership Fund
2011: $30,0002012: $25,000
Support for the convenings, consulting, and related programs of the OLF. (Fiscal Sponsor: The Ocean Foundation)
The Ocean Project
2011: $44,0002012: $33,300
Support for communications program development and World Oceans Day (Fiscal Sponsor: The Ocean Foundation)
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
2011: 10,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant in support of TRCP’s marine fisheries work.
Trout Unlimited
2011: 30,000
Funding for Conservation Success Index at the Coldwater Conservation Fund.
South Florida Environment Program

1000 Friends of Florida
2011: $30,0002012: $30,000
Multi-year grant in support of work in Palm Beach and Martin counties.
Apalachicola Sub-Basin Caucus
2012: $7,500
First year of a two-year grant in support of work on regional issues. (Fiscal Sponsor: ACF Stakeholders, Inc.)
Biscayne Bay Waterkeeper
2011: $10,0002012: $12,500
Three-year seed funding support for the new Keeper
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
2011: $12,0002012: $12,000
Multi-year grant in support of the fish research and fisher outreach programs.
Boynton Beach Community High School
2011: $5,000
Multi-year grant in support of the Palm Beach Zoo/environmental education program.
Clean Water Network of Florida
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Grant in support of the Florida estuaries protection programs and related clean water issues. (Fiscal Sponsor: Tides Center)
Conservancy of SW Florida
2011: $10,0002011: $10,000
Funding in support of updating the report card on estuary health in the region.
Florida Coastal & Ocean Coalition
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Funding in support of the coordinator position at the Florida Coastal and Ocean Coalition. (Fiscal Sponsor, Reef Relief, switches to Sea Turtle Conservancy in 2012)
Florida Philanthropic Network
2011: $1,0002012: $1,000
Funding to support collaborations and continuing professional training of south Florida grantmakers. (Formerly Donors Forum of South Florida)
Florida Oceanographic Society
2011: $2,5002012: $7,500
Multi- year grant to support the Society’s education programs.
Florida Wildlife Federation
2011: $15,000
Final year of support for the joint project on climate change solutions in Florida with the National Wildlife Federation.
Martin County Environmental Studies Center
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Multi-year grant in support of Camp Wet scholarships.
Mote Marine Laboratory, Florida State University
2011: $10,0002012: $7,500
2011: Support for the Mote Fisheries Symposium 2012: One-time grant supporting corals and climate change project.
National Parks Conservation Association
2011: $10,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant in support of the Florida parks programs, especially Biscayne National Park.
National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance
2011: $12,5002012: $12,500
One-time two-year seed funding grant. (Fiscal Sponsor: American Hiking Society)
National Wildlife Federation
2011: $15,000
Second and final year of support for the joint project on climate change solutions in Florida with the Florida Wildlife Federation.
National Wildlife Refuge Association
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Support for the effort to establish additional land easements to create buffer zones and habitat protections at the north end of the Everglades.
Ocean Conservancy
2011: $20,0002012: $21,000
Multi-year grant to support OC’s work in improving fisheries management in the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Regional Fishery Management Councils.
Ocean Research & Conservation Association
2012: $5,000
Grant in support of ORCA’s work on water quality.
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)
2011: $15,0002012: $10,000
Multi-year grant in support of clean water work in Florida.
Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF)
2012: $20,000
Grant for education and outreach.
River Network
2012: $20,000
One-time grant for River Rally programs.
Society for Environmental Journalists
2011: $7,500
Support for the Miami meeting of the SEJ, with an emphasis on the ocean conservation issues content of the meeting.
Student Conservation Association
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Funding in support of the Florida internship and leadership-training program.
Surfrider Foundation
2011: $35,0002012: $25,000
Multi-year grant in support of the Florida regional coordinator’s work, and for the Surfrider International annual meeting.
The Nature Conservancy, Florida
2011: $20,000
Support for Reef Resilience Program.
University of Miami, RSMAS
2012: $8,000
One-time grant for Lazarre Lionfish research project.
Alabama Environment Program

Alabama Coastal Foundation
2011: $10,000
Second year of two-year grant in support of the work on the Gulf coast.
Alabama Environmental Council
2012: $7,500
First year of a three-year grant for education outreach and promotion of conservation values in Alabama.
Alabama Forest Resources Center
2011: $20,0002012: $20,000
Multi-year grant in support of the forest conservation program in Alabama and to maintain the website.
Alabama Giving
2012: $2,000
Amount reflects 2011+2012 grants in support of philanthropy promotion in Alabama.
Alabama Rivers Alliance
2011: $25,0002012: $20,000
Funding in support of ARA’s programs.
Alabama Wildlife Federation
2012: $20,000
First year of a three-year grant in support of education programs.
American Red Cross of Central Alabama
2011: $7,500
Special grant for the April Fury Fund, following the tornadoes of spring 2011.
American Red Cross of Mid-Alabama
2011: $7,500
Special grant in response to April 2011 tornadoes.
Black Warrior Riverkeeper
2011: $10,000 2012: $10,000
Multi-year grants in support of the riverkeeper.
Cahaba River Society
2011: $15,000 2012: $17,500
Multi-year grant in support of the Society’s outreach and education programs.
Conservation Alabama Foundation
2011: $12,000 2012: $12,500
Multi-year grant in support of the Forever Wild campaign.
Freshwater Land Trust
2012: $11,000
One-time grant in support of longleaf pine restoration.
Friends of Hurricane Creek
2012: $10,000
First year of a two-year grant approved in 2011.
Jacksonville State University
2012: $7,500
700 Pelham Road North First year of a two-year grant for Environmental Policy & Information Fund (EPIC).
Mobile Baykeeper
2011: $44,0002012: $35,000
Second year of a two-year grant in support of sustainable management of natural resources in the Mobile Bay region.
Mobile Botanical Gardens
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant to support the expansion of the Gardens’ membership, education, and outreach programs.
Resources First Foundation
2011: $12,5002012: $15,000
Support for the Private Landowners Network to provide resources for conservation of lands to private owners.
Smart Coast, Inc.
2011: $10,0002012: $12,500
Funding in support of improved coastal planning to include storm impact, transportation and ecosystem protection in coastal Alabama.
Southern Environmental Center, Birmingham Southern College
2011: $30,0002012: $25,000
Funding in support of the educational programs.
Southern Environmental Law Center
2011: $55,0002012: $35,000
Multi-year grant to support the Alabama Program.
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Funding in support of the outreach, education and advocacy efforts in Alabama.
The Nature Conservancy - Alabama
2011: $20,0002012: $20,000
Multi-year grants in support of Alabama’s coastal marine programs.
University of Alabama (College of Communication and Information Sciences)
2011: $12,0002012: $12,000
Multi-year grant to support the scholarship and internship program at conservation organizations.
Weeks Bay Foundation
2011: $7,5002012: $20,000
Multi-year grants in support of the Coastal BirdFest and other programs of the Weeks Bay Foundation.
Wild South
2011: $10,0002012: $15,000
Support for the Alabama canyons protection program.
Wilderness Society
2012: $10,000
First year of a three-year grant for Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards (SAWS).
D.C. Metropolitan Region Environment Program

Allegheny Front
2012: $10,000
Grant in support of education and outreach efforts on clean drinking water. (Fiscal Sponsor: Pittsburgh Community BroaD.C.asting Corporation)
Anacostia Riverkeeper
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Seed funding for Keeper program.
Anacostia Watershed Society
2011: $7,5002012: $7,500
Multi-year grant for education and outreach programs.
Blue Water Baltimore
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Multi-year grant in support of Baltimore HarborKeeper and related programs.
Center for Watershed Protection
2011: $10,000
Funding for project to design solutions that address organic pollutants in Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Chesapeake Bay Trust
2011: $21,0002012: $20,000
Funding in support of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network and related programs.
Chesapeake Media Services
2011: $15,0002012: $15,000
Multi-year grant in support of the Bay Journal’s fisheries coverage.
Choose Clean Water Coalition
2011: $15,0002012: $20,000
Multi-year grant in support of Chesapeake Bay watershed efforts. (Fiscal Sponsor: National Wildlife Federation)
Earth Conservation Corps
2012: $5,000
First year of a three-year grant in support of environmental education programs around the Anacostia River.
Environmental Film Festival
2012: $10,000
First of a two-year grant supporting 2012 and 2013 festival activities and one-time $5,000 memorial grant.
Maryland Public Television
2012: $15,000
First year of a two-year grant for Bay fisheries documentary.
National Council for Science and the Environment
2011: $7,500
Second year of a two-year grant in support of the D.C. EnvironMentors program.
National Environmental Education Foundation
2011: $7,500
Funding in support of the Be WaterWise program.
Potomac Conservancy
2011: $10,0002012: $15,000
Funding in support of the Fish Mystery program.
Potomac Riverkeeper
2011: $30,0002012: $30,000
Multi-year grant in support of the Keeper’s activities.
Rock Creek Conservancy
2011: $8,000
Second year of two-year grant in support of a healthy and sustainable Rock Creek watershed. (formerly Friends of Rock Creek Environment)
Student Conservation Association
2011: $10,0002012: $10,000
Funding in support of SCA’s internships in the D.C. region.
Washington Grantmakers
2011: $1,0002012: $12,325
Grants in support of the Leadership Fund and related activities.

Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
2011: $35,0002012: $35,000
Funding to support continuing efforts to provide education and outreach.
Planned Parenthood (Metro D.C.)
2011: $20,000
Support for teen education programs (two grants).
Planned Parenthood (Southeast)
2011: $10,000
Support for teen education programs in Alabama.
Special Grants

Association of Small Foundations
2011: $305 (above dues)
2011: $7,500
Second year of a two-year grant in support of the outreach and education programs.
Rainforest Action Network
2012: $1,000
Memorial grant.
State Environmental Leadership Program
2012: $5,000
One-time grant in support of education and outreach and their annual conference.
University of Alabama
2011: $5,0002012: $5,000
Grant to the General Scholarship Fund in honor of the Edith Cummings Munson Award winner.
Women Golf Coaches Association
2011: $5,0002012: $5,000
Funding in support of The Edith Cummings Munson golf award.