Explore the grants awarded in 2021 by program
Following is a summary of grants made under the Munson Foundation’s programs in 2021, the second year of the COVID 19 pandemic. Those programs include Marine/Fisheries Conservation, South Florida Environment, Alabama Environment, , and District of Columbia Regional Environment. Please know that except where noted, all grants carry a 1:1 match requirement, to be raised within a year of the approval of a grant. Additional years of multi-year grants are subject to approval of progress on goals and objectives by the Munson Foundation Board prior to the release of funds.Grants Archive
Following is an archive of grants made under the environmental programs of The Curtis & Edith Munson Foundation.

Marine/Fisheries Conservation

The 5 Gyres Institute
EIN: 27-1350279 / 2021: $15,000
P.O. Box 5659
Santa Monica, CA 90409
Grant to support community education on plastic waste, plastic waste management and related issues.
American Saltwater Guides Association
EIN: 83-2843826 / 2021: $15,000
887 Alfred Court
Oceanside, NY 11572
Second year of a one-time, two-year grant in support of the Association’s programs.
Antarctic & Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC)
EIN: 52-1287282 / 2021: $20,000
1320 19th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Grant to support efforts to restore and protect the high seas biodiversity of the Antarctic and Southern Oceans.
Barrel Bag
EIN: 83-1447494 / 2021: $17,500
906 Vernal Ave
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Grant to support youth ocean plastics outreach and education program.
Biodiversity Funders Group
EIN: 13-3431076 / 2021: $6,500
(Formerly CGBD)
P.O. Box 29361
San Francisco, CA 94129-0361
Grant to support the marine conservation program.
Blue Climate Solutions
EIN: 71-0863908 / 2021: $10,000
1320 19th Street NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Third and final year of a grant to support outreach and education on fish carbon and related natural carbon storage enhancement.
Blue Frontier Campaign
EIN: 14-1861309 / 2021: $35,000
P.O. Box 19367
Washington, DC 20036-9367
Support for grassroots outreach and education on ocean conservation issues and policies.
CariMar Initiative
EIN: 71-0863908 / 2021: $20,000
1320 19th Street NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Support for work in Cuba and other program priorities in the Caribbean.
Consortium on Ocean Leadership
EIN: 52-1892964 / 2021: $10,000
1201 New York Ave NW, #420
Washington, DC 20005
Grant to support the National Ocean Sciences Bowl.
Earth Law Center
EIN: 32-0258388 / 2021: $20,000
P.O. Box 3164
Boulder, CO 80307
One time grant to support the Center’s work on MPAs.
EIN: 52-1557765 / 2021: $20,000
1612 K St. NW, Ste 904
Washington, DC 20006
Second year of a two-year grant to support Earthworks’ program to prevent mining waste contamination of ocean and coastal waters.
Island Press
EIN: 94-2578166 / 2021: $20,000
2000 M Street NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20036
Grant to support the marine publishing program.
Marine Fish Conservation Network
EIN: 20-4254493 / 2021: $45,000
3033 Wilson Blvd., Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201
Third of a three-year grant to support coalition building in pursuit of science-based marine fishery management policies.
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
EIN: 68-0633254 / 2021: $15,000
1100 H St, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
First year of a two-year grant to support ocean acidification policy education.
National Geographic
EIN: 53-0193519 / 2021: $10,000
1145 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Grant to support the Pristine Seas program.
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
EIN: 94-3370994 / 2021: $20,000
601 Georgia Avenue, Suite 510
Washington, DC 20910
Second year of a grant to support Capitol Hill Oceans Week and outreach on behalf of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
EIN: 46-3485787 / 2021: $15,000
360 W 36th St, 7S
New York, NY 10018
Special grant to support Nautilus’ special issue on the oceans.
Netcentric Campaigns
EIN: 30-0166103 / 2021: $15,000
1875 Connecticut Ave NW, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Grant to support leadership networking program.
The Ocean Foundation
EIN: 71-0863908 / 2021: $50,000
1320 19th Street NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Support for the 71% Initiative, including the Marine Pathways internship program.
Oikonos – Ecosystem Knowledge
EIN: 03-0385067 / 2021: $15,000
P.O. Box 1918
Kailua, HI 96734
One-time grant to support Oikonos’ research on the presence of plastic in wild tuna.
Outlaw Ocean Project
EIN: 84-3451269 / 2021: $20,000
6010 Broad Branch Road
Washington, DC 20015
First year of a two year grant to support work to address forced labor and related illegal activities on the high seas.
Perry Institute for Marine Science
EIN: 59-1308004 / 2021: $15,000
5356 Main St, Suite 2
P.O. Box 435
Waitsfield, VT 05673
One-time grant to support youth education and training program in the Bahamas.
Sargasso Sea Project Inc.
EIN: 27-3229137 / 2021: $50,000
1630 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20009
Grants to support the work of the Sargasso Sea Commission (2021 & 2022).
EIN: 71-0863908 / 2021: $20,000
1320 19th Street NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
First year of a new two-year grant to support SEVENSEAS Media programs.
EIN: 84-2273756 / 2021: $10,000
One with the Ocean
1537 Neptune Avenue
Encinitas, CA 92024
Special director’s grant on coastal water quality & ocean plastics.
ThinkOcean Society
EIN: 83-4518121 / 2021: $5,000
3910 Irving St, Room 1317
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Second and final year of a two-year grant supporting the promotion youth-sourced ocean education.
EIN: 43-2038678 / 2021: $15,000
PO Box 1352
Damariscotta, ME 04553
Grant to support Re-Use plastics program and related outreach.
Wild Oceans
EIN: 58-1186029 / 2021: $20,000
P.O. Box 180721
Tallahassee, FL 32318
Second year of a two-year grant to support promoting sustainable management of pelagic predators and prey.
Women in Polar Science
EIN: 71-0863908 / 2021: $10,000
1320 19th Street NW, 5th Floor
First year of a new seed funding grant to support outreach to, and improve opportunities for, women in polar science.
World Wildlife Fund
EIN: 52-1693387 / 2021: $20,000
1250 24th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Final grant to support work on Arctic management policy.
Yale e360
EIN: 06-0646973 / 2021: $10,000
Yale School of Forestry & Env. Studies
195 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Second year of two-year grant to support marine reporting.
Florida Environment

1000 Friends of Florida
EIN: 59-2761163 / 2021: $35,000
P.O. Box 5948
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5948
Grant to support sustainable planning & growth in Palm Beach and Martin counties.
Angler Action Foundation
EIN: 65-0839514 / 2021: $10,000
1913 NE Lake Place
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
Grant in support of marine conservation efforts.
Bonefish & Tarpon Trust
EIN: 65-0988321 / 2021: $20,000
2937 SW 27th Ave, Suite 203
Miami, FL 33133
Grant in support of fishery conservation efforts and related research.
Brain Chemistry Labs
EIN: 20-1829529 / 2021: $20,000
PO Box 3464
1130 S. Highway 89, Suite 3
Jackson, WY 83001
Special one-time grant to support the research into the potential airborne effects of toxic algal blooms on human health.
Busch Wildlife Sanctuary
EIN: 59-2379003 / 2021: $10,000
2500 Jupiter Park Drive
Jupiter, FL 33458
Final grant to support their educational program.
Center for Biological Diversity
EIN: 27-3943866 / 2021: $20,000
PO Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702-0710
First year of a two year grant to support CBD’s work on water quality standards, including those governing cyanotoxins, in Florida.
Coral Restoration Foundation
2021: $10,000
89111 Overseas Hwy
Tavernier, FL 33070
Grant to support internship program.
Dream in Green
EIN: 20-5196010 / 2021: $15,000
2103 Coral Way
Center for Social Change, 2nd floor
Miami, FL 33145
Grant in support of environment and climate educational activities in Miami-Dade Schools.
Environment America Research and Policy Center
EIN: 13-4339865 / 2021: $30,000
218 D Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
Grant in support of the SE Clean Water Network and work on water quality issues in Florida (two grants).
Everglades Foundation
EIN: 59-3228899 / 2021: $10,000
18001 Old Cutler Road, Suite 625
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
Special Director’s grant in support of the protection of the Everglades.
Everglades Law Center
EIN: 59-3082799 / 2021: $25,000
378 Northlake Blvd #105
North Palm Beach, FL 33048
Second of a three-year grant to support the activities of the Palm Beach office and related eastern Everglades issues.
Florida Oceanographic Society
EIN: 59-1114306 / 2021: $10,000
890 NE Ocean Blvd
Stuart, FL 34996
Third year of a three-year grant in support of the Society’s education programs.
Florida Philanthropic Network
EIN: 20-1328734 / 2021: $1,500
150 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 700
Miami, FL 33131
Funding to support collaborations and continuing professional training of south Florida grantmakers.
Friends of the Everglades
2021: $12,500
Stuart, FL 34994900 SE Federal Highway, Suite 323
First of a two year grant to support outreach and education related to harmful algal blooms (HABs) in Florida waters.
Friends of the Loxahatchee
EIN: 59-2152926 / 2021: $10,000
10216 Lee Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33473-4797
First year of a final two-year grant to support the Everglades Days Celebration and related outreach programs.
Healthy Gulf
EIN: 72-1447742 / 2021: $25,000
835 Gravier Street, Suite 700
New Orleans, LA 70112
Support for work on oil spill recovery, toxic algae, and related outreach in Florida.
Inside Climate News Lost Light Projects
EIN: 56-2451141 / 2021: $15,000
16 Court Street, #2307
Brooklyn, NY 11241
First year of a two-year grant to establish a Florida office to deepen capacity to report on the consequences of climate change to the economic, environmental, and social well-being of Florida communities.
Invasive Species Patrol Corporation
EIN: 85-1092092 / 2021: $10,000
320 Quail Forest Blvd
Apt 419
Naples, FL 34105
Grant to organize volunteer efforts to support capture of invasive snakes and other species.
Lake Worth Waterkeeper
EIN: 82-3114524 / 2021: $15,000
PO Box 1367
Lake Worth Florida 33460
First year of a three-year to support program priorities in the Lake Worth Lagoon.
2021: $15,000
P.O. Box 913239
Denver, CO 80291
First of a two year grant to support coastal resources conservation in Florida.
Marine Conservation Institute
EIN: 91-1725640 / 2021: $20,000
14301 Arnold Dr, Suite 25
Glen Ellen, CA 95442
Support for MCI’s work on the management plan for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.
Miami Waterkeeper
EIN: 27-3627697 / 2021: $15,000
2103 Coral Way, 2nd Floor
Miami, FL 33145
Second year of a three-year grant to support the Keeper’s work to protect the waters of Biscayne Bay National Park and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary from the effects of upstream and shoreline human activities.
National Parks Conservation Association
EIN: 53-0225165 / 2021: $20,000
777 6th Street NW
Suite 700
Washington DC 20001-3723
First of a two-year grant in support of NPCA’s SunCoast office priorities in marine conservation.
Ocean Research & Conservation Association
EIN: 20-0901011 / 2021: $20,000
1420 Seaway Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34949
Grant to support research into the flow of nutrients from barrier islands into adjacent Florida waters.
Sea Base
2021: $5,000
Boy Scouts of America
23800 Overseas Hwy
Summerland Key, FL 33042
One time grant to support coral restoration and related STEM programs.
Sea Turtle Conservancy
2021: $2,500
4581 NW 6th Street, Suite A
Gainesville, FL 32609
Special Director’s grant for the support of the Conservancy’s programs.
Sereia Films
2021: $15,000
8550 Bryon Ave, Apt 2J
Miami Beach, FL 33141
First year of a two-year grant to support the completion of short films on Florida’s sustainable seafood resources.
Shark Team One
EIN: 81-2985728 / 2021: $15,000
3474 Riverland Rd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312
First year of a two-year grant to support a multi-media campaign highlighting Florida’s marine resources.
Surfrider Foundation
EIN: 95-3941826 / 2021: $25,000
P.O. Box 73550
San Clemente, CA 92673
Grant in support of the Florida regional coordinator’s work.
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
EIN: 04-3706385 / 2021: $25,000
529 14th Street, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20045
Final grant to support TRCP’s work on recreational fisheries in Florida.
Alabama Environment
Alabama Audubon
EIN: 51-0198925 / 2021: $20,000
3720 Fourth Ave South, 2nd Floor
Birmingham, AL 35222
Grant to support Alabama Audubon’s programs in the Black Belt and along the coast.
Alabama Forest Resources Center
EIN: 63-0958673 / 2021: $20,000
8 St. Joseph Street, 2nd Floor
Mobile, AL 36602
First year of a two-year grant in support of protecting Alabama forestlands.
Alabama Giving
EIN: 48-1266328 / 2021: $1,500
P.O. Box 530727
Birmingham, AL 35203-0727
Grants in support of philanthropy promotion in Alabama.
Alabama Rivers Alliance
EIN: 63-1186023 / 2021: $35,000
2027 2nd Ave North, Suite A
Birmingham, AL 35203
Grant in support of ARA’s work on water management issues.
Alabama Wildlife Federation
EIN: 63-0496911 / 2021: $20,000
3050 Lanark Road
Millbrook, AL 36054
Second year of a three-year grant in support of education programs and a special Director’s grant.
American Bird Conservancy
EIN: 52-1501259 / 2021: $10,000
P.O. Box 249
The Plains, VA 20198
Special one-time grant to support work on coastal bird conservation.
American Chestnut Foundation
EIN: 41-1483019 / 2021: $7,500
50 N. Merrimon Ave, Ste 115
Asheville, NC 28804
Second year of a two-year grant in support of the Alabama genome project.
Birmingham Southern College Southern Environmental Center
EIN: 52-1436778 / 2021: $20,000
900 Arkadelphia Road
Birmingham, AL 35254
Funding in support of educational and general outreach programs in the Birmingham area.
Birmingham Zoo
EIN: 62-12311591 / 2021: $14,000
2630 Cahaba Road
Birmingham, AL 35223
Grant to support pollinator gardens and educational programs.
Black Warrior Riverkeeper
EIN: 72-1537394 / 2021: $15,000
712 37th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35222
First year of a three year grant to support the Three Rivers Project and the activities of the Keeper.
Cahaba Riverkeeper
EIN: 26-2623785 / 2021: $15,000
4650 Old Looney Mill Rd
Birmingham, AL 35243
First year of a three year grant to support the Three Rivers Project and the activities of the Keeper.
Cahaba River Society
EIN: 63-0987276 / 2021: $25,000
2717 7th Ave South, Ste. 205
Birmingham, AL 35233-3421
Second year of a two-year grant to support the water quality and outreach programs of the Society.
Conservation Alabama Foundation
EIN: 63-1221685 / 2021: $15,000
P.O. Box 2665
Mobile, AL 36652
Second year of a two-year grant to support work on the protection of important Alabama species.
Coosa Riverkeeper
2021: $15,000
Birmingham, AL 35242102-B Croft Street
First year of a three year grant to support the Three Rivers Project and the activities of the Keeper.
Dauphin Island Sea Lab Foundation
EIN: 63-0779657 / 2021: $20,000
P.O. Box 82151
Mobile, Alabama 36689
Grant to support the ROV competition, water testing equipment, and other educational activities.
EO Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
EIN: 20-4547380 / 2021: $20,000
300 Blackwell St, Suite 102
Durham, NC 27701
Grant to support the Foundation’s priorities, especially in Alabama.
EIN: 27-0354485 / 2021: $25,000
2320 Highland Ave S, Suite 270
Birmingham, AL 35205
Grant to support work to promote cleaner air and protect vulnerable communities.
Georgia Alabama Land Trust
EIN: 58-2069352 / 2021: $15,000
226 Old Ladiga Road
Piedmont, AL 36272
First year of a two- year grant to support land protection work on the Cumberland Plateau.
Mobile Baykeeper
EIN: 63-1190615 / 2021: $35,000
450-C Government Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Grant to support protection and management of resources in Mobile Bay and Mobile watershed.
Ruffner Mountain Nature Coalition Inc.
EIN: 63-0733391 / 2021: $15,000
1214 81st St South
Birmingham, AL 35206
Special one-time grant to support educational programs and related activities.

Southern Alabama Land Trust
EIN: 63-1021925 / 2021: $10,000
11401 US Hwy 98
Fairhope, AL 36532
Grant to support Coastal Birding Trail and the Coastal Birdfest.
Southern Environmental Law Center
EIN: 52-1436778 / 2021: $30,000
201 West Main Street, Suite 14
Charlottesville, VA 22902-5065
Second year of a two-year grant to support SELC’s work in Alabama.
Tensaw Delta Biodiversity Project
EIN: 71-0863908 / 2021: $12,500
1320 19th Street NW, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Grant to support formalizing various elements of the ad hoc effort to protect the cultural and natural heritage of the Tensaw Delta.
The Nature Conservancy, Alabama
EIN: 53-0242652 / 2021: $27,000
2100 1st Avenue North, Ste. 500
Birmingham, AL 35203
Grant in support of coastal work and partnership for restoration and a special directors grant ($7000)..
University of Alabama (College of Communication and Information Sciences)
EIN: 63-6001138 / 2021: $25,000
412 Reese Phifer Hall, Box 870172
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0172
Second year of a three-year grant to support the scholarship and internship program ($18,000) and a Director’s grant ($7,000).
University of Alabama
EIN: 63-6001138 / 2021: $20,000
Box 870172
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
First year of multi-year grant to community outreach on water quality issues in Alabama’s Black Belt region.
District of Columbia Region Environment

500 Year Forest Foundation
EIN: 54-1870625 / 2021: $10,000
P.O. Box 1272
Charlottesville, VA 22902
First year of a two-year grant to support increasing forest protections in Virginia.
Alice Ferguson Foundation
EIN: 52-0694646 / 2021: $10,000
2001 Bryan Point Rd
Accokeek, MD 20607
Support for the Foundation’s work on Potomac River cleanups and related issues.
Bay Journal Media
EIN: 26-2359058 / 2021: $15,000
619 Oakwood Drive
Seven Valleys, PA 17360-9395
Grant to support publication of the Bay Journal.
Chesapeake Bay Funders Network
EIN: 83-2593081 / 2021: $3,000
c/o Sustainable Food System & Ag Funders
133 E. De La Guerra #306
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Grant in support of programs.
Chesapeake Conservancy
EIN: 26-2271377 / 2021: $10,000
716 Giddings Avenue Ste 42
Annapolis, MD 21401
Special grant to support efforts to increase parklands in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Chesapeake Legal Alliance
EIN: 26-4349757 / 2021: $15,000
501 6th Street
Annapolis, MD21403
First year of a two year grant to support the Alliance’s work in the Chesapeake watershed.
Choose Clean Water Coalition
EIN: 53-0204616 / 2021: $30,000
c/o National Wildlife Federation
20 Ridgely Avenue, Suite 203
Annapolis, MD 21403
Grant in support of their programs.
EIN: 83-0882900 / 2021: $15,000
5836 Dewey Street
Chevy Chase, MD 20785
Grant in support of outreach and education programs.
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital
EIN: 83-0469770 / 2021: $20,000
1224 M Street, NW #301
Washington, DC 20005
A grant to support EFF’s programs.
Friends of Riverbend Park
EIN: 54-1966322 / 2021: $5,000
P.O. Box 1481
Great Falls, Virginia 22066
Special Director’s grant.
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust
EIN: 54-1724626 / 2021: $10,000
4022-A Hummer Road
Annandale, VA 22003
Special Director’s grant.
Potomac Conservancy
EIN: 52-1842501 / 2021: $20,000
8403 Colesville Rd, Suite 805
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Grant in support of clean water projects and a special grant for related research and outreach ($5,000).
Potomac Riverkeeper Network
EIN: 54-1982624 / 2021: $15,000
3070 M Street NW
Washington, DC 20007
Grant to support the Keeper’s activities.
Rock Creek Conservancy
EIN: 20-3874333 / 2021: $10,000
7200 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20814
Grant to support outreach and education programs regarding invasive plants such as English ivy.
Shore Rivers Conservancy
EIN: 26-3187608 / 2021: $15,000
114 S. Washington Street, Suite 301
Easton, MD 21601
Virginia Conservation Network
EIN: 51-0198762 / 2021: $2,000
103 East Main Street, Suite #1
Richmond, VA 23219
Special Director's grant.
Washington Grantmakers
EIN: 52-1756853 / 2021: $1,650
1100 New Jersey Ave, SE, Suite 710
Washington, DC 20003
Grant in support of the Leadership Fund Investment.
Ward 8 Woods Conservancy Inc.
EIN: 83-4498574 / 2021: $10,000
3214 11th Place SE, Washington, DC 20032
Grant in support of the Conservancy’s work.
Waterkeepers Chesapeake
EIN: 45-4381850 / 2021: $25,000
P.O Box 11075
Takoma Park, MD 20913
Grant for Chesapeake-wide coordination efforts.
Special Environmental Grants
Earth Action Network
EIN: 06-1246661 / 2021: $10,000
8 Overlook Road
Norwalk, CT 06851
Grant to support Earth Talk and related projects.
Environmental Grantmakers Assoc.
EIN: 20-8817646 / 2021: $11,500
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 960
New York, NY 10115
Grant to support EGA’s work to gather funders, share information, and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in environmental philanthropy and the Blue Sky Funders Network for environmental education funders ($5,000).
Green 2.0
EIN: 46-5220283 / 2021: $7,500
1730 Rhode Island Ave NW, Ste 610
Washington, DC 20036-3116
Grant to support work on diversifying the environmental movement, including donor organizations.
The Funders Network
EIN: 57-1173613 / 2021: $6,000
1500 San Remo Avenue, Suite 249
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Grant to support the Urban Water Work Group.

Second Nature
EIN: 04-3195772 / 2021: $10,000
14 Jersey Lane
Manchester by the Sea, MA 01944
Grant to support the Campaign for Environmental Literacy.